2 charged in slaying of Chicago honor student
This is from Yahoo News. This young lady was murdered by two hood rats. These are two gang members not law biding members of society. You want to top a lot of these senseless shootings declare war on...
This is from Breitbart’s Big Government. What happened to the Sequester? The Obama family is flying to separate vacations world wide. slow Joe has a two day trip that run up a multimillion dollar...
View ArticleFirst lady-backed school lunch regs cost school district $100,000
This is from The Daily Caller. It seems the shaved Wookie Moochelle is a failure just like her Socialist Communist husband. Failure does not run through the Obama family it takes a leisurely stroll...
View ArticleIndiana school district loses $300K because students refuse to buy first...
This is from The Washington Times. More schools are losing money serving the meals that the shaved Wookie Moochelle forced on them. As more and more schools lose more and more money will tell the Obama...
View ArticleMichelle Obama Gives a Nod to ‘Walking School Buses’
This is from CNSNews. What is a walking school bus? I know it was used on the Flintstones. Will the Obama girls use to walking school bus to get to their school? I do not see it happening....
View ArticleKentucky students to first lady Michelle Obama: Your food ‘tastes like vomit’
This is from The Daily Caller. We have another Obama failure and Barack is not the author of this failure. It is the shaved Wookie Moochelle and her food Nazis. Their pipe-dream of forcing students to...
View ArticleMichelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is executive at company that built...
This is from The Daily Caller. A crony of Moochelles and an Obama contributor is at the company that got the no bid contract for the ACA website. One more example of Obama corruption. First Lady...
View ArticleMychal Massie says Obama is a Liar, a Racist and a Communist
This is from Victoria Jackson.com. I will Mycal Massie spot on. The left starts calling Mychal an Uncle Tom and a sellout in 5-4-3-2-1. Mychal Massie, a highly respected journalist, speaker and talk...
View ArticlePants-on-Fire Resolutions of America’s Political Elite
This is from Joe For America. Enough said! Barrack Hussein Obama~ I SHALL encourage all citizens to express, without fear of retribution, their thoughts and feelings about Obamacare. I SHALL declare...
View ArticleHarvard Educated Michelle Obama Says Founders Not Born In America
This is from Godfather Politics. It sounds like Moochelle is saying my Ivy League education did not make me smart enough to feed my children. So you are too Damned dumb to know how to feed your...
View ArticleMichelle Tells Blacks to Vote Democrat and Then Eat ‘Fried Chicken’
This is from Godfather Politics. Be good little house and a field ni**ers vote Democrat return to the plantation and have your fried chicken....
View ArticleThe school lunches that shame America: Photos reveal just how meager US...
This is from The U. K. Daily Mail. Students in Cuba are eating better lunches than American students. Look at student meals from around the world. Korean schools serve hearty fish soup and...
View ArticleHaters Gonna Hate. Zo Responds.
This is from Alfonzo Rachel. Zo is telling it like it really is. You Mad? Guess so! I got a double dosage of hate for calling out Michelle Obama on her speech at Tuskegee U. Here’s what I gotta say...
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